Retirement Planning
You have worked all your life. Learn how we can help make the most of your accrued assets including: 401k, 403b, IRA's, other retirement plans, mutual funds, stocks, life insurance policies, and savings accounts.
Medicaid Spend-down
This is one of those feared phrases for any retired senior. It is so disturbing because you or a spouse must nearly deplete all of your assets to qualify for the Government's Medicaid program.
Long Term Health Care
Some clients tell me they can't afford long-term health care insurance. I like to ask them, "Which assets would you sell first?" Most of the clients do not realize they can tailor a policy to fit their needs and their budget.
Since 1993
Keep What You've Earned
Are you in control of your hard earned savings and retirement assets, or are they controlled by the whims of the market, your broker or Congress? You’ve worked hard all your life to accumulate security and savings for your retirement years. Make sure you are protected from decisions of others that impact your retirement lifestyle and that you are getting every penny you deserve.

Next Steps...
To find out more information, or to book an appointment, please call (330) 336-9383. If it is easier, you can also click the button to the right to send an email.